A new season
It has almost been an entire year since I have posted a blog. I tried writing a few weeks in advance and then posting them sequentially…but as with everything in my life I am far too emotionally invested and it felt inauthentic to write and share this way.
Since my book proposal did not win the HayHouse writers competition I guess I have felt like my message was unimportant. There is so much noise today on social media, google, other media channels, books etc that I felt drowned out. I’ve been blogging for NINE years and it has never made money or gone further than my local community. I realise now that I needed space to redefine my message, to acknowlege my gifts and to focus on how exactly I can best serve my audience.
I am not the most educated or intelligent, innovative, unique or loudest mumma. What I am is huge hearted, eco/environmentally conscious, humble and hard working. My life has been a series of lessons and traumas that have led me to be passionate, open minded and loving, that have given me the ability to sit with my pain and to heal myself (this is never really complete), that has led me to carve my own path and follow my own heart.
Many, many, many times of hitting rock bottom has led me to here…this new beginning, mumma in the middle, woman trying to make her way in this world.
Feel free to share how I can help YOU, babe. I plan on delivering nutritional recommendations (so many people ask for my help in moving towards plant based), my doula wisdom, training/movement, and all of my musings on mummahood. You will not see anything about counting calories or macros, fertility, medical advice or body shaming, as these are not my areas of expertise ;)