Goal setting and manifestation for 2025

Every year I use a variation of the process here https://melissaambrosini.com/wealth/goal-setting-manifestation-101/ to reflect and manifest my ultimate year ahead.

Since the last four years have deeply changed me on every level imaginable, in every cell of my being and in every aspect of my life, I started the process a little earlier this year.

In November I got CRYSTAL clear on exactly what I wanted and who I wanted to be. I am so proud of myself for working through the mess and chaos of life, for changing my thoughts and for accepting the complete destruction of everything I ever wanted. 

I started meditating more often, having better boundaries, practicing the art* of surrender and sitting with myself instead of constantly reaching out for external validation, opinion and distraction.

In my previous life as a gym owner and mum my goals usually centred around business and balancing my family which honestly felt impossible after the gym we owned in Victoria fell apart. We had moved to the Northern Rivers with little support. I desperately clung to the vision…and while I am seriously impressed by my conviction and tenacity, I lost myself completely trying to hold on to what I was working so hard for. Running a fitness business as a single mum was one thing, running that business and dealing with both of my ex partners making things harder than they needed to be was another. Every single doubt, trauma, pain point and fear I’d ever had was in my face every damn day from 2021-2023. It nearly broke me a million times. I cried, begged God and prayed on my knees more than I’m comfortable admitting. I reached out to my girlfriends over and over, I was getting therapy, I was doing everything I could think of to keep my head above water and to change my life. One of my dearest friends pointed out that even posting online could be weaponised against me so I stopped that too. I felt lost and broken and burnt out. I knew I had to sell my business and change my life, but I felt like a failure. Not only was I a single mum, but I could no longer run the business I loved, and quite frankly I was sick of myself.

I applied to study midwifery and put all the wheels in motion to sell the gym (and holy moly was that more stressful than I ever imagined).

Through 2024 I sat with myself, I remembered who I was at my core, the things important to me and I had some hard conversations with myself about how I was showing up. I took responsibility for my energy, my actions, behaviours and thoughts. Every time I thought about something terrible I would stop, sometimes even hold my hands up, say to myself “enough” and intentionally think about something else. It didn’t always work, I didn’t always behave as my best self, I fell back into old coping mechanisms many times. But this year I had more compassion for myself, I didn’t beat myself up every time I made a mistake, I treated myself tenderly and thats why the low points got less and less. 

Going back to university has been extremely challenging, probably the hardest thing is navigating being on call almost constantly, and undertaking a degree with lots of placement hours. But its also been the absolute best thing I’ve ever done. I get to help others all the time, I get to use my brain and feel truly competent and intelligent, and I get to be super organised which I’m pretty good at. Meeting so many amazing women and honestly being a witness to birth is just another kind of magic.

So this brings me to the purpose of this blog post, my 2025 goals.

This is my Dream Girl Era, midwifery student era, my Thriving Mumma Era. 

My university requirements are demanding however, I know how I’m showing up and thankfully I now have placement at Tweed (closer) as well as with the gorgeous Private Midwives in my area.

January’s vibe is to enjoy summer, to train, surf, dance and dote on my children. To get back to regular blogging and creating.

February is going to be big. I’ve got River in year 8, Raine in class 6 and Reef in class 4. I’m navigating technology with my teen, and my pre teen daughter growing up. I’ll commence placement and aim to balance uni with those things I need to feel good (movement, ocean & nourishment).

March-May will be busy as I establish a rhythm and enter a new season, though as semester one draws to its end I will be taking the kids to Bali with my girlfriend and her kids! First time travelling in about seven years.

June is uni holidays and I am looking forward to Winter at home, I will train and surf lots.

July’s vibe is all about nourishment and cosiness as semester two commences.

In August I get to travel to Sydney for the Rebellious Midwives Conference.

This September I turn 38, so I will be living my best Spring Season and celebrating the entire month as many of my girlfriends also celebrate their birthdays.

October and November are for consolidating midwifery skills and ensuring all of my requirements are complete.

December 2025 will be for soaking up the summer goodness all over again.

Truthfully I could not see where I was going this time last year. I had a loose plan and knew things needed to change but I was terrified and pretty miserable. I now know that so many great things are happening for me, I get beautiful glimmers** every day. 

I’m so damn grateful for life, friendship/connection, a degree that will provide me with a career that lights my soul right up, choosing to be a happy mother for the kids I was put on this earth to raise, and all the abundance heading for me.

My hope is that this season is gentle on you, that wherever you are in life you are able to make choices that bring you joy, that you love yourself and look after yourself. 

In health and true happiness,

Ariel xx

*it truly is an art and I am learning my way slowly but surely not to death grip the things I value most in this world

**Glimmers are little moments or encounters that let you know life is happening for you…like a compliment from a stranger, the perfect car park out the front of Mullum Santos, butterflies and dolphins…LUSH

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