Homemade, with LOVE
Last night as we sat outside, the kids had set the table with crystals and succulents, we chatted about what we were grateful for. River was not fully participating…teens (insert eye roll), but both Raine and Reef were so grateful that I make most of our meals from scratch and with love. River at this point said “there’s no such thing as making food with love.” but we all know and can taste the difference!
This week, the kids returned from Victoria so I had a lot of snacks prepared and meals planned as I tried to do one big shop before they came home. I made bliss balls, an almond meal and strawberry ‘bark’, cut up heaps of fruit and had all the (healthy) things they love ready to go, including cocoquench (IYKYK). I had also made nicecream which the kids didn’t love, not enough sugar I’m told. A few weeks ago we were gifted a whole lot of mini bananas that actually ripened so the kids ate a few, we froze some for smoothies and then Reef covered si in vegan chocolate to make banana pops!
Last night I made a Greek Pesto Pasta Salad with lettuce, sourdough pasta shells, vegan feta, olives and sundried tomato. Tonight I’ll be making Buddah Bowls with tofu, edamame, rice and salad. Planning meals ahead has helped me budget and reduce the amount of trips I need to take to the shops!
Over the last few months I’ve been tracking my meals, training and how I feel in my body to try to understand my own cycle better and support myself through this new season. I’ve found it interesting how most days I feel good eating the same things but theres a few days each month where I struggle with body image and others where I feel like I need to eat a lot more. I also find that I need to have a seperate meal plan for the kids, especially River, as they like and often need different or more food. The kids still eat mainly vegan with me, though I have organic butter from happy cows for them. River needs more protein and volume of food but wants 2minute noodles and sugar…I’m finding that a challenge, though if I provide hearty main meals I feel less concerned.
To support my own training and gut health I incorporate Phyba protein into a smoothie each day, my main combo is spinach, sour cherries, frozen mango, vanilla protein and coconut water. The kids love frozen mango, frozen banana, vanilla protein and coconut milk or chocolate protein, frozen banana, dates, peanut butter and less coconut milk to make a thiccccccshake! They also enjoy coconut milk and Phyba protein in the shaker (which I just cannot do after so many years as a PT unless I’m competing and need a quick hit!!). As Phyba aligns with my values as a vegan wellness advocate I’ve become an Ambassador and would love to share a discount code “ArielFitFam” that you can use here, Phyba.
I’m feeling so grateful for mine and my family’s health, for the beautiful place we call home, for the ability to enjoy an organic abundant diet even on a very tight budget, and for the incredible things I get to do for a “job”. Right now I’m on call for two wonderful women’s first births, I get to coach movement every day this week, I get to be a present mumma and I get to write. I love how my passions combine, overlap and ultimately help support others. Feeling very blessed right now xx